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Apply to Triplebyte

Developers and Engineers love Triplebyte

Looking for the next step in your career? Looking for your first programming job? Triplebyte helps engineers and developers identify high-growth opportunities, get their foot in the door with a Triplebyte recommendation, and negotiate multiple offers..

Triplebyte is a hiring marketplace used by companies like Apple, Dropbox, Stripe, and Instacart to hire the best technical talent. Triplebyte is on a mission to build a meritocratic hiring process, and they do all their evaluation background blind. Their ultimate goal is to collect the largest dataset and use this to build the world's best technical hiring process. No other company has successfully done what Triplebyte is doing in this field..

Join 200,000+ Top Engineers and Developers

Showcase your tech skills and hear from top companies! Top engineering and development roles come to you! 450+ top tech companies hire for their best engineering teams from Triplebyte. Teams reach out to you so you will never miss those hot opportunities!.

Why Triplebyte?

Skills speak louder than resumes. Traditional resumes do not represent your full potential as they rely primarily on experience. Triplebyte shows your potential based on proven technical skills. Take a Triplebyte assessment quiz in the specialty track of your choice, and get your Triplebyte credential. Improve your skills. Find your next job!.

Take the FREE Assessment Quiz

Top quiz performers are eligible for Triplebyte's FastTrack program. You'll skip tech screens and go directly onsight with companies. Fast-Track to Great Opportunities..

Roles you are actually interested in

You get to set granular preferences, so you get matched only with roles that you are interested in. Let the right roles come to you!.


Choose your preferred career track(s):

  • Generalist - You have experience with server-side web systems
  • Front End - You have experience with JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, and front-end frameworks
  • Mobile - You have experience with native iOS or Android development
  • Machine Learning - You have experience building or deploying machine learning models
  • Dev Ops - You have experience designing and managing reliable infrastructure
  • Data Science - You have experience designing experiments, building models

Smart Hiring:

Hiring is broken. Triplebyte is building a better, more data-driven system to fix it. They’re solving a problem everyone knows. If you’ve ever experienced a bad interview or been turned away because of your resume you know the process we are fixing..

Triplebyte believes the current technical hiring process doesn’t do enough to help engineers and developers show their strengths. At Triplebyte, they’re dedicated to building a better process..

Triplebyte is working on a problem that is fundamental and sits at the crossroads between the workforce and employers. The top global hi tech companies trust Triplebyte for technical hiring..


When should I sign up?

Take the Triplebyte quiz anytime, even just for fun! After the quiz, find a time to talk with them within 3-4 months before you can start a new full-time position. If you’re free sooner, that’s great too..

How much does it cost?

ABSOLUTELY FREE for engineers and developers. Triplebyte will even cover your flights and hotels for final interviews. Companies pay Triplebyte because they make companies' hiring processes more efficient and cost-effective..

Is it confidential?

Yes. Triplebyte will not share any information about you with companies until you’re ready. Triplebyte will also ask you for companies to block in case your current or past employers are on our platform.

/* How much money do Software Engineers actually make? */

The average salary for a Triplebyte-certified Software Engineer in the US is $150,679. Ranging from $130,000 at the 25th percentile to $170,000 at the 75th percentile. Top earners, the top 10%, earn more than $190,000 per year. Take Triplebyte's quiz to become Triplebyte-certified!.

Software Engineers are at a fundamental disadvantage in salary and equity negotiations. They always know less than the hiring manager. Triplebyte believes this is unfair, so they built a tool to help you negotiate better offers. Also, most available online salary numbers are suspect due to self-reporting and selection bias. In contrast, Triplebyte aggregates figures from actual offers made to software engineers on Triplebyte in real-time. Those numbers can vary widely by location. .

Base salary is only one factor in salary ranges. Employers also offer equity (stock options, RSUs), annual bonus, signing bonus, relocation package, and other benefits or additional cash compensation - which often add up to a substantial fraction of total compensation. However, it would be disingenuous to compare these non-salary components on a single axis, and Triplebyte advises candidates individually on these tradeoffs when comparing their offers..

Companies hiring through Triplebyte are incentivized to give competitive best offers because they know that Triplebyte's engineers and developers are likely to get many offers at the same time. Thus Triplebyte provides one-on-one guidance to help you negotiate with multiple companies at once..

Triplebyte Manifesto

Here are ten beliefs that motivate Triplebyte's approach towards hiring and interviewing.

  1. Programmer interviews are broken.

    Whiteboard coding and algorithm questions aren't good predictors of how effective someone will be at writing real code. Technical hiring processes harm both excellent candidates who don't interview well and companies trying to hire good programmers.

  2. Hiring processes need to be standardized

    Candidates deserve a consistent experience and consistent evaluation. A company can't meaningfully evaluate candidates if it treats each one differently.

  3. Hiring decisions should be objective and free of bias

    Hiring decisions should be made using a clear scoring system, not gut feelings. Humans are good at gathering information, but bad at ignoring bias. We pattern match. This harms candidates from diverse backgrounds.

  4. Hiring processes should focus on strengths, not weaknesses

    The hiring process should be focused on discovering strengths, not uncovering weaknesses. Everybody has weaknesses. What matters is a candidate's strengths, and how quickly they can learn new things.

  5. Candidates should know what to expect

    Candidates should be told exactly what to expect in an interview, and be allowed to prepare in advance. A comfortable interview is more likely to lead to a better hiring decision.

  6. Candidates deserve feedback

    Candidates should be given clear, truthful feedback on how they did during the interview so they know how they can improve. Companies should invest time in providing this.

  7. Credentials aren't everything

    Education and work history are meaningful but relying solely on them results in missing good programmers. Good programmers come from all types of background. It's what you can do that matters, not where you went to school.

  8. Hiring should constantly be iterated on and improved

    The hiring process should be treated like a software product, constantly iterated on using data, and improved over time. The software industry needs to experiment more with hiring processes and figure out what really works.

  9. Compensation statistics should be public

    Candidates are at a fundamental disadvantage in salary and equity negotiations. They always know less than the hiring manager. This is unfair. See the range of offers we get in our Software Engineer Salary data.

  10. Recruiting should not be a core competency for companies

    Just as companies now outsource server management to AWS, they should be able to outsource technical hiring. The flaw with current external recruiting firms is they don't reliably deliver enough good candidates to build trust with companies.

Take Triplebyte's skills assessment quiz and see how they’re fixing technical hiring.

Apply to Triplebyte

Apply to Triplebyte

Remote Online Software Development Jobs

Remote Online Work from Home!

Earn money flexibly. Work remotely online from your home and according to the flexible schedule that you set.

Apply to Triplebyte

Apply to Triplebyte

Get Your 120-hour Accredited Online TESOL Certificate (€19 EUROS)
Get Your 120-hour Accredited Online TEFL Certificate (€19 EUROS)


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Remote Online Jobs and Work from Home!
Remote Work, Remote Jobs, Online Work, Online Jobs, Work from Home, Remote Online Work, Remote Online Jobs, Teach English Online, Teach ESL English Online, Remote ESL English Teaching Jobs, Online ESL English Teaching Jobs, Remote Online ESL English Teaching Jobs, TESOL, TEFL, CELTA, ESL Teaching Certificates, Teaching Certifications